Get Order Details

This web service can be used to collect information on a number of orders that match the filter criteria. This web service is a work in progress, and new fields, or filters can be added fairly easily. Just inquire at to see if what you are looking for can be accommodated.

Include Items flag

This flag is used to determine if you want item details returned with the query or not.

Available Filters :

This filter takes a start and end date. Any orders with an order date between these two values will match.
This filter can be used to get information on a specific order id
This filter expects a valid selection of 'created','released','shipped' or 'cancelled'. Any orders that are currently in the matching status will be returned
This filter takes a datetime in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'. Any orders that have been modified since that time will match.
This filter allows for pagination incase the result sets are so large it is causing time outs. The page size is set to 200, so the best method is to iterate through the pages until the return count is less that the page size of 200 to retrieve all values. Leaving this blank will attempt to retreive the entire result set in one call, but it may cause time out issues.

Any orders returned must match ALL filter conditions. If you don't want to include a filter condition, you can leave the filter off the request and it will be ignored.